Friday, January 07, 2005

Welcome to Our SWK 254 Blog-Web Page!

Hello Students of SWK 254:

"Once a human being has arrived on this earth,communication is the largest single factor determining what kinds of relationships she or he makes with others and what happens to each in the world."
-Virgina Satir

Together we begin a semester of new learnings....
The purpose of the Blog, is to provide our class with a space to respond to weekly readings and class sessions, in ways that will positively draw us to a better understanding of ourselves and others. We can post our questions, comments and stories. I encourage you to respond throughout the course to the many activities and readings. This activity will assist in developing personal awareness and insight into your reactions, thoughts, feelings that are experienced during class, from readings, and related activities, and to communicate on a personal level w/ the your fellow students and course instructor.

Be Joyful Always,
Mayra Lopez,
LMSWAssistant Professor,
Department of Social WorkNyack College845-358-1710/ext. 733