Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My role in confronting injustice

After class I thought about our class discussion on what we can do as individuals to bring about change wherever there is an injustice. I believe that my first responsibility is to educate myself on the issue. Because the distribution of wealth is not spread abroad equally, there are many people who are poor or even homeless, to me this is a great injustice. To tackle this problem, first I will commit to finding out as much information as possible concerning homelessness. I would also like to reach out to those who are homeless and hear from their mouths the steps that lead them to homelessness. As an individual, I can also volunteer at varies non-profit organizations that are created to counsel and help those who are homeless. Taking these measures will certainly help in combating this injustice.

With love,

Sunday, April 19, 2009

My Heart Goes Out to the First Nations People

By reading about the history of Native Americans, I learned that both British and Americans deliberately caused germ warfare. The idea of spreading diseases intentionally is dreadful. I do agree that the indigenous people are currently experiencing unresolved grief. Certainly, overcoming great obstacles is not easy, but can be accomplished. As social workers we can reach out to Native Americans with compassion. If we work with the First Nations People with love, I believe that they will be receptive and learn to trust the American people.

With love